Samir Jain


Samir Jain's software projects

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Frontend/Full Stack Software Development / Medical Device R&D

I worked in medical device R&D for three years, and I successfully launched a cardiovascular implant that saves lives. However, the medtech industry was falling behind in adopting new technologies so I decided to take it upon myself to pivot and take up a tech stack so that I may take part in modernizing healthcare and medical devices from the tech side.

JavaScript NERP stack: Node, Express, React, PostgresSQL

Software Development

Manhattan Trail - Manhattan Food themed Web App of Oregon Trail

Manhattan Trail

Front End

Back End


eCommerce Web App - Winter Gear

Grizzly Winter Gear

Front End

Back End


Is It Recalled? - 5 day API hackathon project

Is It Recalled

API Connections

Python Simulations for Research on Deaf intermarriage

FIRST Robotics Programming